Entries by leelikesbikes

Should I move my cleats back?

Lee, Came across the following: http://www2.trainingbible.com/joesblog/2007/01/cleat-position.html Seems to be some evidence for putting the cleat in the arch of the shoe, although people point out how it would likely make technical riding on a MTB harder. I certainly can’t imagine riding this way, but may make sense for the true XC types? Then again, if […]

Cotton kills. Right?

Hi Lee, I’d like to start off by saying that if it wasn’t for your book and your website, I’d still be sitting in my saddle pedalling as fast as I can running over every rock in sight. Thanks to you I now understand the concept of pumping and am a better rider for it. […]

Setting rebound: the curb test?

hey Lee, I got a quick question for you about shock rebound settings (DHX Air). I read somewhere that rebound should be tuned by setting the rebound to fastest position and riding off curb, each time adding another click of rebound until the bike doesn’t oscillate (the travel compresses and then returns to its static […]

Cornering with a high seat?

Lee, When doing the Lee trademark cone drills, you often show them being done with BMX, dirt jump bikes or a bike with a seat completely lowered. Raising my seat into the normal position is awful. Everything that worked before is gone. It’s like trying to walk without bending your knees. So now what? Just […]

Upper body armor for trail riding?

Hi Lee; I went over the handlebars twice last season, landing once on each shoulder. After spending the winter with James Wilson’s DB Combo and The Ultimate programs, things are good. Just wondering what your thoughts are on upper body/shoulder armor for TRAIL riding. Most of what I’ve seen seems geared to DH riders. IE […]

P.3 & Geax Saguaros for everything?

Lee, In addition to its native purpose, I’m going to be using my new P.3 as a trail single speed. I’m thinking different tires, easier gearing (1.8-ish:1), and a Maverick speedball will make this a very versatile machine. Are you still digging the Geax Saguaros as an all-around choice on your P.3? Thanks, Bracken PS […]