Entries by leelikesbikes

Wrecking safely

Hi Lee- I’m a CSU, Chico student. I’m TRYING to write a lesson plan for fourth graders about bicycle safety. My subject is how to wreck with the least amount of injuries. My inspiration was my son. He had his helment on, got squirrely and dove off of the bike face first into the asphalt, […]

PowerMax workout #3: Thank goodness for sprints

Last week’s PowerMax indoor cycling workout at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine was BRUTAL in the endurance sense, but it inspired me to become a better person (or least a better bike rider). I just got back from another PowerMax love session, and tonight I feel better.

Get your DMC Moto-Trainer now!

DMC is discontinuing its handy handlebar-mounted lap timer to focus on its other products. Once they sell out of their existing stock, that’s it. If you want one of these guys, now’s the time: DMC Moto-Trainer lap timer

Setting sag: sitting or standing?

Lee, I came across an interesting idea on a forum on farkin.net — someone was saying that you should set up the sag on you suspension while you’re standing. Everything I’ve come across previously says set the sag when you’re on the seat but the more I think about it the more it makes sense […]

DH training in Kansas

Hey, Lee My family just moved to Kansas from northern Illinois shortly after I got into DH racing, and even though there are no DH trails anywhere near me I am dieing to get better. I have raced in a few midwest DH races with some ok results, however I want to get better. I […]

Coming this fall!

The Wife and I are having two little babies!!! Here they are, just 6.5 weeks after they were conceived. They already have names. Baby A is 7.5 mm long and rocking steady at 118 bpm. Baby B is 6 mm long and pinning it at 130 bpm. OK riders, let’s set ’em up! … — […]