Entries by leelikesbikes

Timing devices and techniques for racing

Hi Lee, I am a big fan of your website and book (with BL). The fountain of information has definitely made biking a lot more fun. Thanks a lot man. Anyway I am just a recreational rider but I love to watch local DH and XC races here in the Philippines. I noticed though that […]

Help: My right turns suck

Hey Lee, So I was wondering. I’m really trying to focus on improving my skills this spring before the race season gets going again. I ride Right foot forward and as far as left turns go, I’m pretty good. I can rail ’em and hold a drift pretty well, open turns and tight turns, but […]

Please join my email list

It’s time to step up the technology, my friends. I want to keep you posted with special Bro’ content, sneaks peaks, special offers and other cool stuff. Don’t worry: I won’t bug you unless it’s worthwhile. To sign up, use the form at the top-right of the page. Thanks for supporting the cause! — Lee

Specialized Epic for Super D?

Hey Lee, I wanted your expert opinion on buying an ’09 Epic. I currently have a ’06 Stumpjumper and a lot of maintenance is needed to get it to racing shape. I race XC but want a bike that can handle the occasional super d and will be fairly durable. Do you think that the […]