The ultimate off-bike pumping workout?
It’s easy to train indoors for pedaling — just ride your trainer — but how do you train the full-body extension that is so crucial to pump-manualing?
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But we are proud to say that leelikesbikes contributed 2174 entries already.
It’s easy to train indoors for pedaling — just ride your trainer — but how do you train the full-body extension that is so crucial to pump-manualing?
Lee, Great article (Indoor training: Do this once a week). I have been doing a very similar type of sprint training. The only difference is that I do 30 seconds all out and 1 minute rest (you recommend more recovery time; is a shorter time worse/harder for you or your body?). Rob
Hey Lee, thanks for the indoor training article. I’ll look to integrate your ideas with the DB Combo program at the start of Jan. when I make my monthly adjustments. Any thoughts on doing the intervals before or after weight training? Cheers Greg
Workout design involves myriad variables and some pretty complex science. To get the greatest possible benefit from your workouts, you should work with a qualified trainer. But: You can reap 90% of the benefits with a much simpler approach. Here is a very basic, pragmatic way to design your own interval workout on the indoor […]
Hey Lee, I was on your site a while back with places to ride your DH bike. Anyway I purchased a Demo 7 1. I can rail berms — Kessel Run in Fruita was incredible. I pull myself forward and down in berms — works great — but when I try this in flat corners […]
If you’re not injured, and it isn’t snowing in your neighborhood, I hope you’re out ripping (go NorCal!). But if you, like me, are tied to the trainer, this is a great time to experiment.
Most of us eventually contend with sidelining injuries, and it is currently my turn. Here is my summary of James Wilson’s article, Injury Rehab Strategies. It contains some excellent tips for rehab as well as general training. Read on:
My kid Ian (also a champion of BMX-style pump) plays JV and Varsity basketball. Here’s what I’m doing a couple times a week:
Hi all. Wednesday’s surgery on the left shoulder seems to have gone well.
Hi all. I’m crazy-busy with work, plus I’m trying to tie up loose ends before Wednesday’s shoulder surgery. If I lag on posts, you’ll know why. Braaap!
Hey Lee, What about you writing a biography on Brian Lopes? And where’s that BMX book?
HELP!!! A friend has a RP3 with an eye to eye of 7.875″ and a stroke of 2.25″. Will this work on a 2003 Specialized Enduro Expert????? Thanks! Brian