Differentiation: Specialized Enduro vs. Ibis Mojo
Our man in NorCal wants to expand his quiver, but he needs to know his two bikes are different enough to justify each other.
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But we are proud to say that leelikesbikes contributed 2174 entries already.
Our man in NorCal wants to expand his quiver, but he needs to know his two bikes are different enough to justify each other.
It’s been said that the better you get at bike riding, the worse you get at everything else. If your legs are used to spinning light circles, and you suddenly try a more impactful sport, you might be asking for trouble. A cautionary tale:
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This guy is asking about a particular DH frame, but his question has universal application.
This reader is rear-wheel drifting all over the place, and he wants to know what his front wheel is doing. He’s also wondering about two-wheel drifts.
Lee, In all likelyhood I will be moving to the P.R.o.B. (People’s Republic of Boulder) for fall semester (super stoked). I have three different rigs but probably only room to bring two. If you had to choose any two bikes out of a Bottlerocket (set up for mini-dh/trail), a cx bike, and a dirtjumper, which […]
Hi Lee, I’m thinking of upgrading my beast of a frame (Azonic steelhead) to an aluminum Specialized P.1, P.2, or P.3 frame. I’ll probably pickup a used one as there are a lot out there. My question is what is the difference between these frames and which one is best for me? I would use […]
Here’s a familiar theme: Guy has a bike and likes it. Guy wants to make it lighter. Guy starts fantasizing about upgrades. Guy writes in …
Hey Lee, Nobody’s ever been able to give me an answer that seemed reasonable to this question, but you know this kind of thing, so maybe you can weigh in: When is it ok to ride a wet trail? Back in high school, we used to rip it up in waist-deep mud just to see […]
Everyone who’s anyone wants to know: Is this year’s Super D gonna suck Lycra?
This was originally posted March 14, 2004 — my first winter in Colorado. You’ll see Rufus rocking strong with all four legs. Backcountry skiing seems pure, like a cross country mountain bike ride: Just haul yourself up a mountain, have a snack then carve down perfect, untracked powder. You have no lift lines and only […]
Here’s a convoluted question from our friend Mario in Northern Italy. Shorter stems can be good, but rarely with lower bars.