Entries by leelikesbikes

Super D tires?

Hey man – great book! I had question on Super D tires – do you run XC type tires or DH type tires? I race on my 575 and I usually run 2.35 regular tires with stans (saves a lot of weight over UST). What do you usually ride? Stan

All fogged up: glasses inside goggles

Hey Lee, I also wear glasses and constantly have the problem of fogging while wearing goggles. I use anti-fog lenses in my goggles and they stay nice and clear but my glasses still fog up constantly. I’ve tried anti-fog sprays and every home remedy (rubbing a layer of bar soap on, etc.) but nothing works. […]

Identiti 666x Pro for 4X racing?

Hi Lee, I’m thinking about 4x racing, i’m currently have a Identiti 666x Pro, would this bike make a good 4x racer and would it being a single speed, be a good idea to upgrade to a 8/9 speed. Would i get my ass handed to me if i stay single speed? Many thanks shaun

Race Into Shape?

Hi Lee; After reading your book last fall I feel I made some significant progress towards the end of last year. I set some goals for myself including doing as much XC racing (and hopefully some DS) as my schedule allows (2 kids + working lots of hours). I noticed one of the local race […]

Stoked on the book

Great book Lee, read it cover to cover, got off the bikes for a couple years thought I’d see what I missed! I never expected to learn so much or to see how many things I had been doing the wrong way for so long.