Entries by leelikesbikes

Off to Angel Fire

Mountain States Cup number: 1 Number of junior racers on The Fix team: 9 Number of free clinics for beginner and sport racers: 4 Courses I get to ride: 4 Throttle position: wide open!

Lateral dominance issues

hi lee, need help with cornering, i can corner ok on both sides. but when it come to doing cutties, drifting and even whips, i only can do them turning right. cutties to the left is just impossible, most of the time i end up having the front tire lose traction before the rear. i […]

Pump track plans are in the works

Hey Lee, This video is great! https://www.leelikesbikes.com/wp-content/111405McPump.mov We are putting in a pump track under a highway overpass to keep us out of the Texas sun. Have you drawn a blueprint of the course in the video? This art is evolving fast and we would like to leap frog a bit from the current Best […]

Frame sizing for dirt jump bikes

Hi Lee, Just wondering what your advice is on frame sizing for dirt jump bikes? Depending upon the manufacturer there are either minimal choices or lots of choice. Also due to the nature of the beast, not too many shops will let you take one for a ride to see how they fly in the […]

Estimating dirt quantities for dirt jumps

Lee, It has come to my attention that people often ask questions about dirt quantities for dirt jumps. I can come up with numbers for this. Basically it’s a routine that is used for civil engineering for building roads and such. It just needs to be applied for dirt jumps. I have been involved with […]