Entries by leelikesbikes

I just hurt my shoulder. What now?

Hey Lee. I just wrecked big this past Sunday at Dakota Ridge (near Golden, CO). I am doing the usual ice, ibuprofen, and rest routine, but I was wondering if you had any secrets regarding shoulder rehab. I don’t think I tore or dislocated anything, but there is definitely some deep tissue damage. What would […]

Callus management tip #1A

Hey Lee! Great site, always interesting. I ride a lot and I have gnarly calluses on my palms that pinch, pull off and become very painful. I will be in Whistler all summer and it’s gonna get really bad. Any tips for reducing pinched calluses?

Why haven’t I been posting?

Lee, It has been way too long since your last post! You must be training your ass off. — Ron Ron, I wish. I’ve been WORKING my ass off: – writing brochures for BMW motorcycles – writing articles for bike mags – and tons of coaching; nine of the past 14 days — 28 different […]

Specialized Chunders in 24-inch?

Lee, I saw your post about the Specialized tires and your reference to the Chunder being a good tire for Mammoth DH. My kids will be racing there in June on little downhill bikes with 24″ wheels (Specialized Grom and Kona Stinky Jr.) and I was wondering if those tires came in 24″ versions? If […]