Entries by leelikesbikes

Risse Racing shock on my bike?

Hey Lee, I was wondering if you’re willing to give your opinion on this. If not, no worries. I may need to get my rear shock rebuilt. Since it is an old model, the rebuild kit isn’t available from Fox. Fox pointed me to Risse Racing. Do you have any opinions about Risse racing? Or […]

Measuring RAAD on a bike

Hi Lee, I’m enjoying the book Dialed: the secret math of a perfect mountain bike setup and really appreciate the MTB specific and rider-centric approach to bike fitting. I was wondering if you can guide me toward how to accurately measure my RAAD? There’s plenty of info in the book on how it should be […]

Yet another rider on a bike that’s too big

Hi Lee, I’ve recently purchased your book Dialed to help me try to understand better where I’m at with my current mountain bike, all the changes in frame geometry (not to mention suspension) in the past five or so years, and now the changes literally in how people ride. I’ve been riding a long time, […]