Entries by leelikesbikes

Podcast: LLB kung fu riding philosophy

LLB skills student and pro racer Chris Kelly helped create the comprehensive functional wellness practice Nourish Balance Thrive. He and I recently spent an hour talking about riding, training and Flow. Listen to the LLB kung fu podcast at nourishbalancethrive >>> Keep reading for the full transcript.

Hard-surfaced pump tracks?

Lee, Have you ever built a pumptrack surfaced with concrete? I’ve seen a few videos from Europe showing one or two but nothing I can see in the U.S. I asking since I may be trying to approach our city about installing a pump track in a public park and something that would be lasting […]

Switching from XC to trail shoes?

Hi Lee, I attended your Oct 21st class in Temecula with Jon Farinholt. I was the guy with the white Ibis. I have been wearing a pair of Sidi SRS Race Dragons (with the twist-up nylon gut tighteners) for the past 10 years. They are tight fitting, lightweight, and perfect for cross country rides but […]

A good midweek workout during race season?

Hello Lee I am a huge fan of your books, already got PUTB, P2TI and Mastering MTB skills, they really added a huge increase both in my fitness and skills. PUTB got me trying XC racing this year, and now that the season is over I’m looking forward next year to improve my results. Got […]