Entries by leelikesbikes

LLB coaches The crankbrothers Race Club

STOKED: This season I will be skills-coaching Judy Freeman and Chloe Woodruff of the crankbrothers Race Club. I’ve been working with Judy for several years, and I’m excited to help her and Chloe develop the skills and confidence to ride at even higher levels (and have even more fun on their bikes). “To address the […]

Hopping frontsides

Hey Lee — just read the post Are you pumping too hard?. Great post. It brought up a question for me too. I just got BMX Skills and read the pump chapter and it got me thinking about trying to hop frontsides altogether since I hadn’t really thought about doing that before. Instead I’ve been […]

Jumping straight

Lee, When I am jumping my bmx bike I have a tendency to get off balance in the air if I try and push the face of the jump. If I do not push the face of the jump and just let my momentum carry me off the lip I fly straight as an arrow, […]

Pushing through a BMX double

Dear Lee, I bumped onto your site whilst desperately seeking info on a jumping technique that seems to be difficult to find on the web, at least if one doesn’t know the name of it. So in this video that is attached, Mike Day uses it as per text book example in the first jumps […]

Command Post vs. quads

Lee, I got a Command Post this year and absolutely love how it changes the riding experience. Even here in Minnesota on primarily cross country trails I end up using it all the time. I have noticed a couple of “issues” using it though. The first is pretty minor, more of an annoyance than anything […]