Entries by leelikesbikes

Why no moto?

Lee – I’ve seen from your site that you used to spend some time on the dark side. So, no more moto for you? Is that a function of personal choice, or just not having a dirtbike to ride? Ken

Alex Willie wins national DH championship!

I am so proud of Young Skywalker. Yesterday –when it counted! — he found the perfect flow: “There were no bobbles or moments,” Alex said. “It was just another run (but I’ve never pedaled that hard or gone that fast!).” Also check out: The 2011 season starts now 7:1 and stoked Paul Bunyan riding Dialing […]

Helping a pump track noob

Hi Lee. I’ve been desperately trying to ride our local pump track for a few weeks already. I’ve tried everything I can but don’t seem get anywhere near anything that resembles what I see on the net. What am I doing wrong here? Really hope somebody can help. I’ve resorted to going public with a […]