How long should your MTB cranks be?

Optimal crank length is proportional to leg length, which is generally proportional to height. Exceptions abound, but this logic — smaller people need smaller bike parts — is sound.

The height difference between 5’0″ and 6’8″ (a full size run) is 33%.

The length difference between 165 and 175mm cranks (the broadest common range on stock adult MTBs) is 6%.

If you’re shorter than the stock range, you’ll benefit greatly from shorter cranks. If you’re taller, run what came on your bike; there are handling advantages to running shorter than Zinn’s number.

Get all the details at the LLBMTB school.

What do y’all think?

About handlebar rise

Our friend and fellow LLBMTB member Sarah sent an interesting question about straight vs curved bars.

Growing Pains – It’s time to put youth safety first

This article will run in the November issue of Mountain Bike Action magazine.

Check out this pdf of the magazine spread.


The oak
provides shade to others
while standing alone

The aspen
births the forest,
devoted but unseen

Every insult and injury
lodges heavy in their fibers
Yet they reach toward heaven
striving while others are thriving
and they silently yearn for love

Here come the axes
wielded by familiar hands
Cutting them down and
chopping them to pieces
for their final contribution
to warm others
then crumble to ash

Those same hands lay them, side by side, in a fireplace.
When the match comes they erupt in flames
Entangled and writhing
An inferno of stored misery
until they break apart, collapse inward,
cease being oak and aspen –
an ashen heap.

Yet within them glows an ember,
fanned by a heavenly breeze,
until they become pure radiance
Warm and golden and pulsing
Their hearts, beating together

– end –

Lee McCormack

Bike review: Lenz Sport Behemoth

Hello Friends,

I spent much of last season on a Lenz Sport Behemoth, and I’m here to tell you about it.

This article begins with some background and context. For the bottom line, scroll to the bottom, which seems like a fine place for a bottom line.
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Two rivers are born
high in the mountains
Fed by rain, snowmelt and springs
watered by the sun-warmed sea

Each begins as a trickle
and builds to a stream.
Every tributary roiling it
Every riffle shaking it
Every boulder smashing it

Each tribulation adds to its power
The steeper the drops
The narrower the slots
The mightier each river grows

Each on its own path,
being pulled, unaware,
toward the other
Until their canyons merge
And they meet
And mix and build
with each other
into each other
and create an even greater flow
made of them both

Broader and deeper
and even more powerful,
they carve through the mountains of their birth
across the plains of their rebirth

They meander together
Nourishing each other
Nourishing the landscape
Savoring their journey
back to the sea

– end –

(Feb. 7 2022 additional stanza because Life)

Their course reaches a split
and they go separate ways
Grateful for their journey
each containing the other
They flow onward, forever enriched

Lee McCormack

Changing chainring size when shortening cranks


Thanks for the RideLogic bike setup consultation. Two rides in with the new bar and I’m definitely adjusting, but it’s a way different feel than it used to be. Really liking it, and a lot of moves feel easier (as long as my legs are up for it). I’ve obviously taken a deep dive here, so why not dive all the way.

My next thing I’m looking at is crank length. You talk about switching from 30 to 28 teeth for a switch from 175 to 165. I’m considering going to 155. I currently have a 32 tooth and 170, I believe. How many teeth would I need for a 155mm crank?



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My bike is too big: What can I do?

Hi Lee,

Boy I sure wish I’d seen your video on bike sizing before I got my new bike!! Just recently discovered your great videos and after spending for me a bunch on a new bike, I think I now know why it doesn’t thrill me quite as much as I hoped.

I waited forever and finally got my new Commencal Meta TR 29 Ride in a medium. Reach number is 465. I’m 5’ 9.5” based on your numbers, the Small at 440 would be way better.

Dang!! After almost 20 years of riding my old hardtail, I feel like I totally screwed up. What the heck do I do now? Especially after waiting forever on this bike I feel crushed! Definitely don’t trust manufacturer guidelines!!! At one point they said I was between a medium and LARGE! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but felt like it was not right.

Guess I need to come to one of your ride clinics, maybe that will help me get more out of it? Anyway, thanks for the great videos!

– John J. in Highlands Ranch, CO

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