Perfectly average: Running the Bolder Boulder 10K

In a stunning shift of priorities, I skipped the Angel Fire MSC this year and instead ran the Bolder Boulder 10k. So today, rather than pinning it through aspen forests by myself, I jogged through city streets with 50,000 goofballs. I am proud to say I finished right in the middle.

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Should I switch my brakes to moto style?


What do you think about setting up your Mtn bike brakes moto style? I started riding a Honda 250 in Dec. and I have been fortunate enough to be able to ride it twice a week. In between the days I ride the moto I’m on the mountain bikes. When I go from the moto to Mtn bike I’m fine, I feel completely comfortable however when jump from the Mtn bike to the Moto it takes me a while to get comfortable with the front brake.

It’s frustrating, I feel like I never really feel comfortable on the moto unless I ride two days in a row. I ride mostly track, Sand Hill & Club Moto and I can’t seem to get my braking done correctly before the turns.

Have you considered setting up your mtn bikes moto style? Or do you know any pros that set the bike up that way?

Thanks for all the years of good info,


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What about my elbows?

Hi Lee,

I’ve found that for pumping and for initiating a turn, I have more power with my elbows up as in a bench press position (you’re like this in the pumping video you just put up). However when I’m about to hit something like a mess of roots, it’s easier to keep my fore/aft balance (and my weight on the bottom bracket) if my elbows are low. Does this mean I’m too tense when my elbows are up, or is this normal?

I looked through at the photos in your book and saw lots of arms low, but I see more elbows up riding on your website. Do you have any advice for arm position?
Thanks! Dan

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2003 Enduro to 2008 Stumpy upgrade?

Hey Lee,

really appreciate the site and book…lots of good info.

The more I read your site the more I realize I just need to become a better rider and stop buying random crap that will ‘make’ me a better rider. The best upgrade I can get is a better me. That being said I’m slowly working on my bike kung-fu, and although I am probably not riding my bike to its fullest potential I cant get my eyes off a new stumpy.

Currently I’m riding a 03 enduro comp with everything replaced/upgraded (vanilla 32 r, juicy 7’s, canecreek wheelset, xt crankset, x-9 shifters/rear derailleur, ect.) ‘cept for the rear shock, seatpost, and obviously the frame….so tell me why I would or would not want to rock the pro stumpy frame and swap over all the components? Would the fork noticably/negatively compete with the rear suspension…?

I have a feeling there is still some things the ole enduro can teach me….but damn, that stumpy frame looks so friggin sweet!

thanks, rob

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Pump technique: Arms, legs or what?

Nice video Lee. Viewing it, I have a couple of questions about pumping that I’ve been wondering about for a while.

In my own efforts to pump, I’ve been able to generate my most effective action through my arms and the front wheel. In reading about pumping, however, I’ve always got the impression that I should be gaining more power from my legs.

Now in your video, it appears to me that you are pumping this section mostly through our arms, with relatively little leg motion. Could you comment on the relative importance of arm vs leg pumping? Thanks.

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Let’s rock this Saturday!

Last Saturday’s Core Skills clinic was super fun. We had a nice mix of riders, and we worked on position, braking, cornering, riding over bumps and even the pump track. The highlight for me was watching everyone RAILING the corners. Huge smiles.

I have another Core Skills session this Saturday, and I encourage you to rock it.

When: Noon to 3 p.m.

Where: The Fix bike shop, Boulder, CO

How much: $100. Paypal the dough to Note the date of the session you want.

More info: Skills clinics with Lee


Apples and oranges: Mavic 823 vs. Syncros DS28 rims


I am looking to build a new wheel set for my Demo 7. I have narrowed the rims down to Syncros DS28 and Mavic 823. Do you have any input regarding either of these? I am trying to stay on the lite side.

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Pumping an S section

We shot this little video during a coaching session today. Super fun!

Re-posted with a new .mov file. Let’s hope this one works!
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Ride better this weekend

Hey all. I have a few spots open for Saturday’s core skills clinic. It’s at The Fix in Boulder, noon to 3 p.m. You’ll learn the keys to great riding — and dial your kung fu to 11.

More info: Skills clinics with Lee – Group/public clinics

If you can’t pre-register, feel free to show up tomorrow. Come early so you can sign the waiver and pay The Fix’s $5 use fee.

Pump track, family style

The power of the pump track continues to bind families and build a better world. Images from a recent clinic:

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Pedals: How important is concavity?

Lee, thanks for the answer! (Drops: Staying on flat pedals) I’m slowly getting the hang of this!!

In looking at all flat pedals out there, there seem to be quite a few concave pedals (e.g. Easton Flatboys) and pedals with totally straight bodies with no concavity (e.g. Twenty6, or Sunline) that get their concavity via arrangement of the pins. Any idea how important the concavity is in a flat pedal in order to stay in the pedals when things get rough/droppy?

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Postponing surgery

I just read a bit out of your shoulder chronicles, and as it turns out I find myself in exactly the same position, almost. I didn’t break any bones but I have torn all the ligaments that connect my clavicle and scapula. I can ride but only feel about 75 percent right now, but I am still competitive (I took forth in DS at Chalk Creek last weekend in Expert 19-30) which deepens my mental strife.

I am looking full on at throwing away everything I have worked toward this year if I have surgery now, not to mention work and such, or I can limp through the season, risk the possibility of further injury and get cut up in the fall.

I have been talking to a lot of people trying to figure this out, and just wanted to know what your decision was and why. My goal for the season is to be in semi-pro by next year, and even with my injury it looks like it might be possible so I am having a really, really hard time trying to figure out what to do. Your two cents would be greatly appreciated.


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