Incycle Race Team update

Just got a note from Jason in SoCal. Last fall I coached him and some of his teammates, and this winter they killed it at Southridge.

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Movie Premier: 24 Solo

What: This movie follows Chris Eatough’s quest for a 7th world title in 24 hour solo racing. From the producers of Road to Athens.
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Sweet pump track in Santa Barbara

My pump track is no more (sob), but Pump Track Nation is rolling strong in backyards everywhere. Here’s a beautiful example.

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Question re: Specialized fork on Enduro SL

I have been trying to select the right all mountain bike and think the new Enduro SL might do the trick. I was originally planning on building up an Intense 6.6, but the Enduro seems better price/perf. A few concerns though:
Did you ever give feedback on the final fork? Also with the custom 25mm hub will I be stuck with limited wheel selections (i.e. no Crossmax)?
Thanks, Huck

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Do this now: Grease your seatpost

Hey Lee,
I think that I may have a serious problem with my bike. The thing is my seat post seams to be stuck inside the seat tube. I maniaged to pull it free but it took two of my buddies to free it. One holding down the bike and two twisting and pulling up on the saddle.

When it came out there was a lot of white powdery substance on and inside the seat post and down inside the seat tube. I suspect that it is a form of corrsion forming from the 2 dissimilar metals. My seat post is 7075 and my from is made form Kinesium Alum. What can I do about this?

Thanks alot, Chris

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MTB Strength Training Program with a Bowflex?

Hi Lee,
I am VERY interested in getting James Wilson’s program. I’m not necessarily going to be racing again, but I need something to focus on so as to stay in shape (and being able to rip on trails is nice too). I thought I read some of his info on his site and he talked about lifting using real weights and doesn’t care for machines.

I prefer real weights as well, but I bought a Bowflex for its convenience (space and price). I live in a rural area and with kids and a two hour daily commute, so getting to a real gym is not really an option (excuses I know, but it is the reality of the matter). I guess what my question is, will I still be able to do his exercies with a Bowflex? Thanks for your time and how is the job search…I don’t remember reading anything. And, did you sell the house?
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A little happy-happy DH training

A new Demo 8 and Lisa Myklak and gnarly trails and nice weather make for a decent afternoon.
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Bursting brake hose on DeVinci Remix

Hey Lee,

Got “THE BOOK” and its having a positive impact on my riding just need to carve out more riding time! You’ve got me riding flats! Working on skills! Crazy stuff for a long time xc / clipless trail rider. (I can almost wheelie at will!) Anyways, I have a tech question – I have a 05 Devinci Remix and am lovin it for all types of riding.

The rear brake cable kinks and bursts when full travel is used regularly (my winter loop has 3 stair drops 3-4 ft to flat) my summer loops are trail rides so not an issue for most of my riding. Current fix thanks to my LBS is surgical tubing sleeve with loose zip ties – so far so good. Any other ideas in case this doesn’t hold?


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Random geometry questions

Hey Lee.
Do longer chainstays give more traction and shorter ones slide easier, or is it the other way around? What other things affect the rear wheel’s traction and sliding abilities? Also, does a steeper head angle give the front wheel more traction just because it puts the rider’s weight more over the front wheel, or would a slacker head angle sometimes give better traction?

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We all like motocross

Last week a few of us converged at the Berthoud Motocross Megaplex for our first MX of the year. If I use the words “motocross” and “fun” in the same sentence, it’ll be hella redundant. Hella.
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Lory State Park is dry and ridable

Just heard from the park manager Kathy Seiple.

2003 Enduro suspension setup, Part Dos


Thanks again for the great response!!! (2006 or 2007 TALAS for 2003 Enduro?) Just one more ???, With the taller fork and the lower BB height, how will the bike ride/feel just riding more XC type of stuff?? will it result in slower steering?? should I flip the link to the higher BB height? or just dial the fork to 120mm???

Also the Psylo that came with the bike, I thought it was sold as a 5″ travel fork?? 1″=25.4mm x 5 = 127mm… Or was it really more of a 4-4.5″ fork?! 🙂

Thanks again!

Brian Froeber

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