Stumpy or Enduro?

To climb fast or descend faster — that is the question.
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Help: I can’t jump on race day

Hi Lee,
I race 4-cross in the beginner men category, I’m having trouble jumping, like I have the speed and everything, but I just can’t clear anything big… At local dirtjumps in my town I can jump well because somethings not pulling me back…the jumps are rather large too. So I was just needing some tips on how to jump the doubles and and getting the right speed and timing.
thanks, Dustin
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Which travel case for my bike?

Hi, Lee.
I’m looking at having to do some traveling around in the not too distant future and the thought of having to be without a bicycle kind of makes me itch. Do you have any recommendations for travel cases?
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Norcal Jan. ’07: Three days, two bikes and three rides

The past few days have been a nice mix of tra-la-la and WHOA BABY! Not to mention a barrage of job interviews and rides on a new Enduro SL and Demo 7. I have no images, but here are some words:
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Enduro SL: Worth the wait?

I am still waiting on an enduro sl. Specialized is pissing me off, they just will not give me a direct answere to when my bike is coming or what the hold up is. If they would just say it will be Feb. or March that would be fine, but it is always next month. I am very frustrated and wondering is the bike that great or should i just get a Heckler? You are the only person known to have one what is your oppinion?
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Norcal here I come!

Enough of these Q&As and tech articles. I’m heading to the Bay Area this weekend, and I need to post a full-stoke ride report. Expect these words:


Maxxis tires: 2.35″ or 2.5″ rear?

I’m buying new tires for the summer and I have some Michelines right now. They’re good tires but I’m looking for something that rolls a little faster and can corner better. I’m looking at getting a 2.5″ Minion for the front and a 2.5″ High Roller for the rear. A guy at my local shop said to switch to a 2.35″ in the rear. I’ve always ran a 2.5″ in the rear but lightening up the rear sounds appealing. How would it affect my riding? I ride DH/FR.
Thanks for your help.
Dan the man
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Help, my crank is stuck

yeah i bought some deity cranks, and i put them on but needed to take them off because the spacing for the sprocket was wrong, and now those things wont budge at all. even with the crank puller that came with them. do u have any suggestions?
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Don’t sell out to fear

That’s what a friend in the U.K. just emailed me. He knows I’m struggling with the idea of life after marriage, worrying about money and all that.

Last week I interviewed at a magazine, and this week I have a juicy interview at a big bike company. There are good reasons to take one of these gigs, but I guess fear shouldn’t be one of them.

“Don’t sell out to fear.”

Ants in my pants!

Kaptain Keene gets all swooshy in Santa Cruz.

All this snow and work is making me ANTSY!

Here are a few tasty treats from the leelikesbikes archives. This was late ’03, right before I moved to Colorado.

A couple cool corners – Dec. 3, 2003

Calabasas Jumping Jam Jamboree – Oct. 28, 2003

Real men of action: On the road with Lopes and Peaty – Nov. 22, 2003

And 93 more reasons to like bikes …

Flat pedals on the big bike?

Hi Lee

I’m reluctant to give up the extra climbing power of clipless pedals for flats but it seems like all the freeriders use flat pedals so they can bail. What are you using on your freeride bike? I’m using crank brothers mallet pedals on my SX trail right now. If you ever get the time, I’m sure people would be interested in seeing how your bikes are speced out.

Thanks and happy new year

PS thanks to your book and advice I’ve slowly worked my up to 7 foot drops and improved my technique.
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Marzocchi 66 SL on an Enduro?

Just found your site, its very informative. I was wondering if you could answer the following question:

I am buying a large S Works Enduro (’06) with a DHX air and have a spare Marzocchi 66 SL. Will this fork be too much for the Enduro? (fork height & travel).


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