Specialized Fuse Pro ride #2

This bike’s first ride turned into a mess of crusty/melty snow and slick mud. Not impressive.

Friday night’s adventure? Rad!

It showed what this bike can do.

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Learning to shred in the flatland

Hi Lee, I go to school in a relatively flat area, Southern Illinois, which only has easy cross country trails around. I feel like I prefer Enduro riding style and want to ride more trails with drops and jumps. But in this area there are no places I can even practice jumping and I can’t ride jumps or drops well when I actually travel to some places occasionally. What do you think I can do to practice my jumping skill? I can’t afford buying another bike or something.


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How is this jump?

Hello Lee,

This weekend I went to Rockville in California. There was a really cool jump there, and I took a video of it (link below). Can you watch the video and tell me if there is any thing I need to work on?

Ryan P.

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First rides: Guerrilla Gravity MegaTrail and PedalHead

By Kevin Stiffler

First thought after some tomfoolery aboard the Guerrilla Gravity MegaTrail and PedalHead: AWESOME!

Want to know more? Keep reading.

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Suspension vs hardtail for pump/jump?

Pick your brain? Quick question: Intense Tazer vp, or a hardtail 4x bike for pump and jump duty? I have access to two world class flow trails, and with a hanky ankle, the cush might just save me. The primary purpose of this impending purchase, however, will be skill building on the pump track. Does having a soft rear end (well, firm, but not static) muddle things and defeat the purpose?


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Balancing strength training with base bike fitness

Hi Lee,
As my deadlift (300lbs 2×5) and squat (260lbs 5×5) loads are going more and more up (at 170lbs btw), it also gets more and more tough getting both done especially with PUTB in mind, too. Are you regularly lifting once a week or more often?
Thanks in advance + all the best,

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Squats vs. deadlifts

Hi Lee,
how’s your lifting going? Hope all is well?
Whats your opinion about deadlift vs. squats? Are you squatting at all or solely focusing on deadlifts?
Thanks in advance + all the best,

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Flat pedals, shoes and bike shop?

Hi Lee,

I just read over Pump Up the Base and am fired up to get going. In particular, I had been thinking of giving flat pedals a try for a while, and this is a great excuse to do so. Do you have a type of flat pedal and flat pedal shoes you’d recommend, or are they all pretty similar?

Lastly, is there a local bike shop that you’d recommend for shoes and pedals. I find most shops are real good with bikes and parts, but there’s not a lot of expertise with shoes out there. I’ve got weird feet and need more help than most. Thanks for you your help, and thanks for the REVO referral. I’ll be giving them a call soon.


Dave Farrell

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Heavy … is a state of mind

When something challenges us, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by its enormity, or difficulty, or, in the case of deadlift, its weight.

The best we can do is focus on what we can control, try hard and make it happen.

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Buy LandWave ramps – free shipping!

I’m stoked on LandWave ramps and decks. The modular, stackable system lets you build all kinds of tracks and shapes. Lately I’ve used them for my kids’ birthday party and teaching various skills to clients.

Extra stoked: I found a way for you to save money on ’em.

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PUTB and P2PI intensity and timing?


I just bought both your programs, PUTB and PTPI. I’m doing the first week starting this January but with reading the information I’m a little unclear as to what effort I need to do the workout under Super D and Mixmaster. I do not have a power meter so I can not determine what the RPM is. Can you give me a little help in this?


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Fall class: Cornering for ‘crossers

Do you want to ride faster with less effort? Do you want to drop the competition with style and grace? How about having more fun when you ride?

What self respecting cyclocrosser doesn’t want these things?

Learn more. Sign up. Start winning >>>

Side knobs. Use ’em!