Kung fu skills clinics in Wisconsin April 25 and 27

Hey all, I’ll be training high school coaches at Trek headquarters in Waterloo, WI.

Please join my public skills clinic on April 25 or 27.

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Kung fu skills clinics in Georgia May 2 and 4, 2014

Hey all, I’ll be training high school coaches at Mulberry Gap north of Atlanta, GA.

While I’m there I’m holding a kung fu skills clinic on May 4.

Grab your spots!

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Kung fu skills clinics in Tucson, AZ April 11 and 13, 2014

Hey all, I’ll be in Tucson to train Arizona high school coaches. While I’m there I’m holding kung fu skills clinics on April 11 and 13.

Grab your spots!

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NorCal skills clinics May 30 and 31, 2014

We are rocking kung fu skills clinics at the world famous Soquel Demonstration Forest May 30 and 31.


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Shorter stem with wider bars?

I just bought a set of new, wider handlebars for my old (2002) Stumpjumper hard tail. My old set-up were 580mm bars (ugh, righ?) with a 90mm stem.

With the new bars I have to buy a new stem, because my old stem doesn’t fit the 31mm-diameter handlebars. Would you recommend I go with another 90mm stem with the wider bars, or drop it down to 70mm? I see the new Stumpys all have 100mm stems, but they’re also 29ers. I’m just not sure about this bike as it has pretty aggressive geometry. I don’t want to make the bike too twitchy.


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Pump-hopping up stairs

Many of you have seen the videos of Cody Kaiser and Alex Ryan hopping up the Belgian Steps at the Valmont Bike Park national cyclocross championships.

This technique is rad — and useful:

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P2PI week 3 and this stuff works

Today we rocked #3 in a series of 7 indoor classes at the Boulder for Sports Medicine.

These classes are based on the Prepare to Pin It training program.

The results are quick and clear.

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Getting my wife from zero to shred


First off, I love your stuff and am really enjoying what your books and Pump Up the Base have done to my riding. Now to the question, my wife is a light roadie/triathlete who is willing to step up her game and ride in the woods. I bought her a Specialized Rumor for Christmas, sweet rig, and am pumped to get her in the woods. She has ample fitness, but minimal handling skills. Since her biggest fear is falling and getting hurt, I figured some drills would help give her the much needed confidence to feel more comfortable in the woods. If you only get to pick three drills for a newbie to the woods what would they be? Given you wrote the book, it’s on my bookshelf with your autograph in it, I knew you would be able to hit this one out of the park so my wife can add “single track slayer” and “Riding” with a capital “R” to her list without undue injury.

(p.s. my favorites are your figure eight drills and slow tight turns that work on track stands)

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Trouble with a 180 berm

Hey Lee,

I have been building a pump track today from your Welcome to Pump Track Nation instructions and it is going great except for this one corner. It is a 180 turn and I enter the turn at about 10 to 15 mph but I exit the turn going 1 mph and I can almost not make it up the roller. The turn is about 6 feet from the enter to exit, it isn’t very tall and when I am in the turn my bars are close to the ground. Can I gain more speed out of the turn if I build it taller. I have little trouble making the turn but it slows me down and all the other berms I gain speed and they are taller. Or would I just have to change the berm?


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Enduro clinics: Ride faster, safer, easier

I am proud to offer a series of enduro-focused clinics in partnership with the Big Mountain Enduro series. Ride the raddest race courses — and any trails — more confidently, more safely and faster than ever.

Learn more and sign up: https://www.leelikesbikes.com/pre-season-enduro-clinics

Preparing to Pin It at BCSM

Today was #1 of 7 beat-downs, I mean scientifically designed training opportunities, at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine.

It was not easy, but it was good.

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Riding steep drop-ins safely


I realize how busy you are, but if you have a chance to check this out I’d love your feedback. There’s a new roller here at Santos in FL that I tried today. It felt great, was just dropping in slowly to test it out. On the drops I “felt” like my weight was in the right place. I tried to be heavy on the pedals and I could swear my hands were light on the grips.

Yet the picture and video suggest otherwise. If I draw a line up through my bottom bracket, almost all of my body looks to be forward of it. Yikes! So while this “felt” good it looks like it would have not been so good had the drop been longer. So on a steep drop like this what am I supposed to be feeling? Should I be getting back further than I think?

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