MTB skills session in Tarrytown, NY on Nov. 3
/4 Comments/in Coaching/by leelikesbikesLet’s rock a kung fu skills session in the Tarrytown, NY area on Nov. 3.
I’ll be training high school coaches on Saturday and training six lucky rippers on Sunday.
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MTB skills session in Temecula, CA on Oct. 19
/0 Comments/in Coaching/by leelikesbikes
Hey all, I’m stoked to announce a kung fu skills session in Temecula, CA on Oct. 19.
The venue is super fun, with tons of challenging terrain. Give yourself the upgrade that lasts forever!
A perfect day
/1 Comment/in Downhill, Life with a capital L/by leelikesbikesToday I shared DH shuttle rides with a bunch of dudes in the hills above Florence, Italy. Them: No English. Me: No Italian. But we did reach a consensus.
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10 most popular pages last month
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by leelikesbikesI’ve been rocking some big park designs and teaching almost every day, which is rad but leaves little time for the site. I’ll post more goodness as soon as things slow down. In the mean time:
Build your own pump track
Ebook: Welcome to Pump Track Nation
Fabien Barel rides the sine wave of lateral love
Skills clinics with Lee
Pump Up the Base book and training program
Book: Teaching Mountain Bike Skills
Book: Pro BMX Skills
Why is it harder to climb with a lowered fork?
Skills clinics at Valmont Bike Park
Intermediate track at Cuyuna Bike Park
/3 Comments/in Trail building/by leelikesbikes
Bruce Swan, Dave Carapetyan and volunteers are working hard in Cuyuna, MN, and they have the intermediate pump track running. Check this out:
Skills clinics in Utah with LLB instructor Judd Zimmerman
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by leelikesbikesSuper stoked to announce that Lee Likes Bikes certified coach Judd Zimmerman will be teaching kung fu skills in Utah.
The first sessions:
• Aug. 21, 6 to 8 p.m. at Trailside Bike Park in Park City
• Aug. 24, 10 a.m. to noon at Trailside Bike Park in Park City
Learn more and sign up: Skills clinics in Utah with LLB instructor Judd Zimmerman
Meanwhile in Cuyuna, MN …
/3 Comments/in Trail building/by leelikesbikes
… our man Bruce Swan has begun building the Cuyuna Bike Park. Taking pump tracks to a new level: multiple radness options, all set into a hillside.
Fabien Barel rides the sine wave of lateral love
/0 Comments/in Ask Lee, Skills/training/by leelikesbikes
Hi Lee,
I thought this might be a good question for you. In this segment with Fabien I’m wondering if you could shed some light on what Barel is doing different from Tobias at 5:40 – 5:48. In watching some of the pros (Loic, Nico, etc) corner on switchbacks and really tight turns I feel like I see this action a lot. When it’s really slow it’s more like a nose manual, but at speed I’m at a loss to figure it out, other than the fact that they have mad skills.
Thanks in advance!
Sweet left turn at Valmont Bike Park
/1 Comment/in Riding, Skills/training/by leelikesbikesThe Valmont Bike Park trail crew has been doing great work maintaining and refining the park.
The last left turn on the dual slalom course was tight, inconsistent and flat. Now it’s wider, smoother and steeper.
Check out this video of an early test run. Easy flow!
Big is so very relative
/0 Comments/in Dirt jumping, Skills/training/by leelikesbikes
The week I finally conquered Valmont Bike Park’s Whale Tail — so STOKED! — the Colorado Freeride Festival went down, and, well, so much for thinking I’m rad.
Mountain bikers: are you dead below the waist?
/0 Comments/in Skills/training/by leelikesbikes
By Andy Somerville
Like any mountain biker with a 50 hour/week desk job, 10 hour/week commute and limited free time on the weekends, my idea of “play” always includes a mountain bike. My free time focus is so narrow that I’ve had the same pair of running shoes for 5 years now. They still look clean and smell pretty fresh. I’ve worn out three pairs of mountain bike shoes in that span. I know I’m not alone among cyclists when I admit that a pick-up game of tennis or frisbee pretty much cripples me for a day or two after.