Command Post vs. quads

I got a Command Post this year and absolutely love how it changes the riding experience. Even here in Minnesota on primarily cross country trails I end up using it all the time.

I have noticed a couple of “issues” using it though. The first is pretty minor, more of an annoyance than anything else. With the post dropped all the way it throws off the angles between your arms, hands and brake levers. I only really notice it on longer downhills, but I would imagine out west that it may be something to take into consideration-maybe “split the difference” in your set up.

The other issue is a bit more of a problem. As a cross country rider with a thoroughly mediocre fitness level I have noticed my quads reacting poorly when pedaling with the seat lowered or if just “hovering” over the saddle when it is dropped. Yesterday while climbing out of the bottom of an extended downhill stretch my quads just locked up with cramps. I had to get off the bike for a few minutes. After that if I dropped the saddle I could feel my quads start to freak out again. Twice more in just a couple of miles I was off the bike trying to get my legs to uncramp so I could get back to the trailhead.

I am wondering if you have heard of, or even felt these effects yourself, and if you can suggest ways to mitigate the issue.


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Pump Up the Base – book and training program!

Rock the trainer this winter.
Rock the trails this summer.

A 12-week plan to:
• Improve your pedaling skills and power
• Ride faster and easier on all terrain
• Train quickly and efficiently

Order Pump Up the Base here >>>

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Fork for Intense Tazer VP?

Hi Lee,

I am building up an Intense Tazer VP and I am torn between building it up with a Fox 831 or a 120mm Float. I ride rougher terrain with braking bumps, trail trash, and a lot of jumps (i.e. Carlmont, CA). At first, I was dead-set on the 831. It has stiff valving that works great in berms and jumps, but I am not sure that its 100mm of travel is quite enough for gnarlier downhills. The Float with its longer legs would be better for the rough stuff, but the out-of-box valving might be a little to spongy for pumping. I am not as concerned about plushness and bump absorption as I am about having control in turns and jumps and having the bike track straight. I am 5′-11″ and I weigh 175 lbs if that is any help. I also race BMX. Thanks a lot. -Rex

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Get your MTB skills in Atlanta, GA

Hi all, I’m planning two skills clinics in Atlanta, GA over the Thanksgiving holiday: Friday, Nov. 23 and Saturday, Nov. 24.

This is a great chance to learn MTB kung fu, plus we’ll have a great time.

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Tackling the gnar in SoCal

When I’m teaching on the road, I explore the new terrain then map it to my curriculum. We always start with the base of the skills tree and work our way up. A couple weeks ago in Temecula, CA, we climbed high into the gnarly branches.

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The Caveman’s Command Post

Four-time world Xterra champion Conrad Stoltz races off-road triathlon with a Specialized Command Post remote seatpost because it helps him Ride (capital R) better.

“I’m 185 pounds, so 200 grams is not going to make a big difference,” Conrad says. “I really like the way I’ve been able to go through the corners faster and safer, and just handle the bike better.”

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This whole bike riding thing is forever tripping me out.

Can switching from clips to flats then back to clips and back to flats improve your pedaling fu?

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Constantly crashing on the BMX bike

Hi Lee, I’ve got a question for you that your blog readers might find entertaining, if not useful. I’m a lifelong cyclist and have been riding (small “r”) for over 30 years. Road, track, cyclocross, triathlon, touring, commuting, mtb, and have just recently started to dabble in BMX. For some inexplicable reason I crash nearly ever session. Sometimes it’s the front tyre that washes out. Other times it’s the rear. Sometimes I have no idea what happened – I just find myself rolling in the dirt trying not to get run over. Sure I crash from time to time on the mtb and during cyclocross, and have gone down on the road a few times as well – but I generally know why and have *never* crashed as much as I seem to on the BMX. Any idea as to what’s up?


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When you’re ready, you’ll know

I’ve been wanting to ride the Boner Log at Valmont Bike Park for a while. This involves more and steeper air than I’m used to, and I’ve been taking the go-around.

I rode it yesterday! This is not the biggest thing in the world, but it felt awesome, and I hope my process will help some of you master your next challenges (safely).

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Getting ready for Xterra Worlds

Fun skills session today at Valmont Bike Park with pro Xterra triathletes Ben Allen and Jacqui Slack. We covered the core skills — with a special focus on the Oct. 28 Xterra World Championship in Maui.

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Fore-aft balance when jumping

The comments for The end of flat pedals at World Cup downhills? tracked into this subject, and I think it’s pretty interesting. Check it out:

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Benefits of full suspension if you know how to Ride

Question is hardtail vs. FS. Been riding a Gary Fisher 29er Paragon hard tail for 5 or 6 yrs. Have thought about trading up for a full suspension bike but started thinking about your riding style advice (have a couple of your books and looks at your website) and realize that usually one is out of the saddle when in technical terrain. I definately hover and have tried to use your attack position for all challenges. Sooo.. how active would a full suspension be and how would it benefit my riding?? thanks, jake

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