Off-season training begins!

National downhill champion Alex Willie and I have started our off-season training with Erin Carson at RallySport Health and Fitness in Boulder.

Today was challenging — and interesting — as usual. In this short video, Alex flips a 16KG ViPR after doing 12 of these at 12KG. It’s way harder than it looks.

Hey all you rippers, what bike skill(s) does this relate to?

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The end of flat pedals at World Cup downhills?

Richard Cunningham over at Pinkbike wrote a fascinating piece about flat pedals in World Cup downhill racing. This is so good I need to weigh in.

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MTB skills session in SoCal on Oct. 20

Hey all, I’m stoked to announce a kung fu skills session in Temecula, CA on Oct. 20.

I’ll be in SoCal to train high school coaches, and I’m doing a public session on Saturday.

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Wanted to thank you

Hi Lee,
I bought Mastering Mountain Bike Skills several years ago and made it my bible for quite a while. A couple years later, I started getting cocky about my riding skills and forgot all about the book. I stacked it hard about a month ago, managing to knock myself out, separate and dislocate my shoulder and injure my lower back.

I was riding too fast for conditions on a trail I didn’t know well and completely deserved it. This blow to my ego (and head) gave me some time and the impetus to re-read your book. A friend also turned me onto your website which is full of awesome tips.

I had my first long trail ride yesterday since the wreck. I got back to the basics of pumping corners, attack position and flow. I forgot all about going stupid fast and had an absolute blast. I just wanted to thank you for all the info which I promise not to forget this time!


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MTB skills session in Austin, TX on Oct. 6


Hey all, I’m stoked to announce a kung fu skills session in Austin, TX on Oct. 6, 2012.

I’ll be in Texas to train high school coaches, and I’m reserving Saturday to spread the word. Did I say stoked?

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Ripping it with the XTERRA pros

It’s been a big year with XTERRA triathletes. First a how-to-rip spread in Tri Magazine, then a weekend camp with pro Cody Waite and his EPC Multisport team, then two days with world champion Conrad Stoltz and, yesterday, a fun session with pros Branden Rakita, Renata Bucher and Jessi Stensland.

I love teaching beginners how to ride, and I love teaching experts how to ride better. Braaap!

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Stumpy 29 EVO too long to turn?

Hey Lee

I’m a happy owner of Stumpjumper FSR 29 2012. As I read, you have the EVO version of the same bike. My question is regarding the wheelbase: Compared to my old Scott Genius 26er the wheelbase is rather long. The EVO has an even longer wheelbase. What do you think about steering through narrow corners with such a long bike? Is this much different with a 450mm chainstay, than with a 420mm? I’m interested what your thoughts are on this.

Thanks and regards.
Reto from Switzerland

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Pilates on the pump track

Last week my wife and I took a private Pilates class, and it turns out I suck at sitting, standing, walking and pretty much everything else. Our teacher Jordan at Rally Sport Boulder gave me some homework, and I’ve been mixing it into my everyday activities.

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Frustrated by switchbacks


Super bummed you are not heading to NorCal, but I am hoping I can ask you one question though. My Kryptonite is switchbacks, I have the absolute worst time on them. I have read your book, taken a few skills clinics (other companies) just plain tried to ride them, and I have the hardest fricken time with them. I don’t know if it is a mental block or something either. Are there any tips and maybe a drill or two I can practice in my driveway or something? I am tired of dismounting when I know that is something my skill level should totally be able to ride with no problems. Thank you!!

Frustrated by switchbacks, -Brandy

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Rider analysis: Judy Freeman at the Wisconsin ProXCT

This just in from our friend and skills pupil Judy Freeman. It’s all about the pony tail (and maybe a dropper post?).

hey sensei-
got this shot from the ProXCT in Wisconsin.
how’s the form look?

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Teaching kung fu to a ninja

Steve and Michele came from Memphis, TN for a week of Big Colorado Adventures. This included three days with me.

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BRAIN upgrade for Stumpy?

Lee, in the 300+ hours I’ve been crafting a pump track this summer i’ve been doing a thought experiment on the “Swiss Army Knife” bike i want to buy in the spring.

I’m pretty much concrete on a Stumpy 29er but limited funds will probably = entry spec bike.

During the summer I tested an Epic and the Brain made me very, VERY happy (and shockingly fast). My question is at a later date when i’ve saved my “upgrade” pennies can one add a Brain to a lesser model Stumpy?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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