Helping a pump track noob

Hi Lee. I’ve been desperately trying to ride our local pump track for a few weeks already. I’ve tried everything I can but don’t seem get anywhere near anything that resembles what I see on the net. What am I doing wrong here? Really hope somebody can help. I’ve resorted to going public with a video of my riding despite how bad it is just so I can get some feedback on what I should be doing.

Dynamodayak Ngieng

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Twice as fast and half as scared

XC champ Heather Irmiger is seeing immediate results from this week’s kung fu skills session.

“Lee, wow – I really can’t believe the progress I’ve made! Last Sunday really was the last day I sucked 🙂 “

Check out this video from Winter Park, shot by Heather’s husband Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski:

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Helping Heather Irmiger rip the DH

Heather Irmiger — XC national champ, marathon national champ and singlespeed world champ — has asked me to help her descend at a world class level (and have more fun on her bike).

I am all over this project.

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Brian Lopes testing 29ers?

Uh oh, the end is nigh.

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Non-standard berm ideas

A purchaser of Welcome to Pump Track Nation is thinking outside the box.

Some thoughts:

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Tearing it up with some Texans

In the past two weeks I’ve worked with a two excellent groups from our second largest state.

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Rider analysis: Dustin Gilding – The Revealing :: PT.1

Dustin Gilding spent one year building these trails and two days shooting them. The result is some pretty stellar riding.

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Endurance slalom with Judy Freeman

Pro XC ripper Judy Freeman is off to national XC championships in Idaho today. This morning we sharpened the sword with a bit of Valmont endurance slalom.

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Teaching kung fu in Lyons

Valmont Bike Park in Boulder, CO might be the happiest place on Earth, but Lyons Bike Park is great place for larger groups and technical climbing/descending. Recent adventures:

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Converting Stumpy 29 to EVO?

(Question inspired by Week one: Stumpjumper FSR 29 Carbon S-EVO)

Hello Lee,
I added a fox 34 hoping it would improve my bikes handling about the same time I discovered you site (awesome articles by the way) and was happy to see I wasn’t the only one who tried and loved the 34!
My question is you mention the EVO conversion for the rear. 1) where can I find this, it’s not on the big S site and my searches turn up nothing? 2) have you tried this yet and what were the results?
My hope is the extra 5mm travel would be nice and with the lower BB height the bike might take sharp switchbacks better.


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Making a fast rider faster

Last week I rocked a skills session at Valmont Bike Park with Mountain States Cup pro pinner Eric Landis. We hit the basics, then he attacked his drills with rare aggression. As he told me at the beginning of our session, “I’m dressed to crash.”

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Pinkbike Q&A with Aaron Gwin

Great stuff in this interview:

Pay special attention to Aaron’s approach to racing. The significance it holds (and does not hold) in his life. The importance of following your routine, giving it your best then moving on.