More weight forward on an all-mountain hardtail?

Hi Lee. I am reading your book. Love it! Your skill and experience are unquestionable.

My question is: You say keep the weight into the BB at all times to keep balance. I have heard magazines here in the UK say some hardtails make possible a more weight forward position and this works well as you can “lean on the fork”, and allow the rear wheel to be lighter to skip over things and generally dance about while the front stays glued and where you want it to go. The rear just follows in its own way!

I’m from England and have recently got a Ragley Blue Pig. A big step up from my previous XC bike. I think you should check them out. They are more all mountain hardtail than anything. Really strong, stiff, super slack front end (67.5 sagged, 65.6 no sag – 140mm fork,sagged 40mm), and SUPER steep seat angles for climbing. Long top tubes designed to run really small stems and super wide bars. Optimized for 130-150 forks.

When I tried what you mentioned on it, it felt the rear wheel was getting hammered and I felt like I might be getting more beat up (than normal!). I am wondering if I would be best putting a little pressure on the bars as well for this kind of bike? And if I do, would I do this at all times, inc. for braking? And how much would “just a little” be?

I know you are the best man to ask for this.


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5 x 10 for braaapable toughness

My standard trainer ride is five 10-minute intervals, with some strength/mobility in between. I mix up the bike protocol depending on how I feel and what I want to fantasize about.

Last night’s bike sesh was fun and effective.

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What is that pump track bike?


Have enjoyed several of your articles and we’re planning to build a pump track this year.

Was really intrigued by your bike featured in the MBAction article about the school pump track. Didn’t see it listed on your list of bikes on your site. MBA said it was a modified P bike, I assumed they meant Specialized P bike, but it doesn’t look like anything on their site.

How about a run down of what it is …

Best regards,
Brent Mullen

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Skills clinic at the 2011 Ranchstyle

This year’s Ranchstyle event in Grand Junction, CO is stepping it up in every way. Skills clinics Friday. Slopestyle Saturday. Slalom Sunday.

My skills clinic rocks Friday, May 6, 11 a.m. into the evening. Cost is $100. Last year’s session sold out, and it was rad. I’m stronger and smarter now, so be ready for some turbo kung fu. Sign up at

Keep reading for more info:

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Building the 2011 Sea Otter pro pump track

Check out these photos from our man James Hall, jmhalldesign — solid digger, rider and dude.

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Lots of cool stories from Sea Otter …

… as soon as I catch up with all this work. I’m busy with softwarey-businessy stuff, plus I’m coaching five days this week.

Funny: Today I did some work, coached in Lyons, hauled butt to an appointment in Boulder, did more work, played with the babies, rocked 5×10 on the trainer and now more work. It’s good to be busy, but I’m excited to tell you about Otter. …

Video: 2011 Sea Otter Speed and Style finals

Here’s the final event on the pro pump track I built for the 2011 Sea Otter Classic. Video courtesy of Pinkbike.

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Video from 2011 Sea Otter pro pump track

It’s officially called Speed and Style. Head to head racing with a time bonus for best style on the big booters.

I’ve been too pinned to shoot and post, but our friends at PinkBike have it covered.

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Sea Otter pro pump track build update

The all-star crew is killing it. On Thursday we placed dirt. Friday we shaped. Today (Saturday) we shaped and rode. The track could be raced now, but we’ll spend the next few days getting it super dialed.

For photos and updates, check out the Facebook box at the upper left of this page. While you’re at it, feel free to “like” the Lee Likes Bikes FB page.

Early test lap on the 2011 Sea Otter pro pump track.

On way to Sea Otter

I got me a vanload of tools and bikes and pump track plans. Camped outside Salt Lake City, doing email, ordering Striders for customers, designing some commercial loan origination software (oh yeah!).

Next stop: Laguna Seca Raceway, Monterey, CA

Tomorrow: Place dirt with Kyle Ebbett and Jeff Lenosky

Friday: Alex Fowler and his hand-picked AA digging crew arrive. We dig.

If you recently emailed me

about building pump tracks in the Swiss Alps or coaching your womens’ group in Boulder, please email me again. I’ve lost some emails in the past week.

Help: I want to sit and pedal in berms

Hi Lee, I have recently completed my own pump track based on your great Pump Track Nation handbook!

Anyway, to my question: I seem to be able to carry reasonable speed on the roller straights but struggle to carry speed through the corners. Once in the corner I have a desire to sit down on my saddle and find that I need to pedal to help keep momentum.

How much of this is my poor technique vs. my poor trail building skills…

Appreciate any help!

Cheers, Russell (from New Zealand)

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