Place: Valmont Bike Park
Day: Aug. 1 and 6
Time: 5 to 8 p.m.
Cost: $125
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Find free time on the course where others struggle
Cyclocross season is coming. You’ve worked hard to get fit, but are your skills slowing you down?
‘Cross courses favor riders who can balance speed in long stretches, finesse through obstacles and carry speed out of turns – and they punish those who can’t. Learn with professional cycling coach Lee McCormack how to turn the ‘cross course into your new bestie.
In this 3-hour intensive course, you’ll learn bike handling skills that will put you ahead of the competition.
Cornering safer and faster
What if you could save .5-1 second in every CX course turn? In a typical cross’ race with 20 turns per lap and nine laps per race, you’re looking at dropping 1-3 minutes just with improved cornering alone. How many places is that worth?
Plus, you’ll be using less energy coming out of every turn so you can save that power for your last lap punch. And now that you’re corning faster and safer, let’s not forget how much time you save when you don’t crash. (Win-win!)
Working the terrain
See opportunities where others see obstacles. Learn how to spy the fastest lines, pump the terrain for increased speed and find flow on the course. Work the course instead of getting worked by it. It’s not only faster and requires less energy – it makes racing that much more fun.
These skills will help you carry more, easier speed all around the course. If we have time, we’ll also look at dismount/remounts and hops.
Class will meet at Valmont Bike Park so you can dial in the terrain that you’ll race in local and national Pro CX events.
Bonus: All attendees get 10% off the Boulder Bicycle Works Speed Treatment — the drivetrain treatment that keeps your bike running smoothly despite gnarly conditions — which is key for CX racing!
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