The sweetest trails and riding spots

Epic: Moab 2006

This year’s Thanksgiving adventure didn’t serve the sweet flavors I expected, but it was tasty nonetheless. High/lowlights: a buried van, interpersonal drama, random crashes and a punctured engine case. Sweet? More like savory …
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Lee Likes Hare Scrambles

I’ve been trying not to become a motorcycle racer, but I suppose it was inevitable. Today, almost a year after I bought my Honda trail bike, I raced a hare scramble. And I liked it.
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Photos: Lory State Park pump track

The bike park is a wild success, with 25-35 riders visiting each non-snowy weekend day. The dream goal was 40 a week, so this is a great sign. Last week a vanload of us went up for a little photo shoot. This track is so rad.
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The ideal pump track bike

Someone asks this question every five minutes. As with all things, the answer depends on your style:
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Geometry for pump track bike?

Thanks to your e-book digging has commenced (who really needed a garden anyway). I have a lot of tight radius turns and was curious if going with a shorter wheel based (42″ish) bike would help? Does a slack head angle say 67-68 ride a lot different than say a 69-70deg. I guess looking for the ultimate Geometry #s for a pump track machine. Thanks!
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Pump tracks for motos

When the trails are snowy, we cruise 40 minutes up I-25 to the Berthoud motocross complex. In addition to the main race track, there are several smaller tracks and a dozen little “pump tracks.”
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See no winter, hear no winter, speak no winter

Sure, it snowed over a foot earlier this week. But it’s been sunny for the past few days, and our boy Gregor is visiting from New York City. Snow be damned; we had to check out the trails.
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Sweet: Possum Town Pump Track

Hey Lee,
It all started with your write up in Dirt Rag Mag. Ordering your Pump Track Nation E-Book and then having 15 cubic yards of dirt dumped in the backyard. At 1st I was wondering about what I have gotten myself into. WOW, was it a lot of hard work. The town where we live is nick-named “Possum Town.” So that’s how I came up with the odd name “Possum Town Pump Track.”
Derrick in Columbus, Mississippi
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Official opening: Lory State Park bike park

Last Saturday was the first official session. Snowflakes flew, but a couple dozen riders had a great time.
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Built: Lory State Park bike park

Super cool! The Corral Center Mountain Bike Park at Lory State Park near Fort Collins, CO, is built and ready to ride. Session this Saturday …
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Stupid human tricks, part 1

Here are two ways to ruin some perfectly good exercises:
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Yummy turns

At Hall Ranch in Lyons, CO., you haul your carcass up sandstone ledges, spin along a valley then reach a meadow. To your left, Longs Peak pokes 14,255 feet through the North American Plate. In front of you, perfect corners wait to play hot potato with your bike.
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