Of ebooks and karma

Stoked: Lots of people are ordering Welcome to Pump Track Nation, and plenty are telling me they dig it. The ebook was a lot of work, and I’m glad people enjoy it.

Not stoked: Three times as many people have downloaded the PDF as have paid for it.

If you stole my ebook: You better build a sweet pump track and let the local kids rip all they want. That’s your karmic duty. And you might want to pay up — just to be safe.

Pump Track Nation!

Welcome to Pump Track Nation – download

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I will email the 3.5 MB pdf directly to you as soon as I receive your order confirmation. This usually happens in a few minutes, end of day at the latest.

If your Paypal email address can’t accept a message with an attachment, please email me with an address that will work.

Thanks for your support. Watch for my email with your ebook. If you don’t see it within a day, check your spam folder. If you still don’t receive the book, email me with an address that will work.


Pump Track Worlds at Mark Weir’s

Last Sunday, Mark Weir had a massive pump party at his house in Novato, CA. Reasons: 1. his one-year wedding anniversary, 2. Chevy’s birthday and 3. the pump — oh, the pump.
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Junior Pump Track Worlds

On Tuesday the Kona Super Groms came from Carbondale for a long day of clinics, BBQ and an epic Kona/The Fix junior pump sesh.
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Wow: Pump track in Stowe, VT

This one looks amazing. Thanks to Brent Buckman for the video.
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20×60 pump track?

Just read the article in the Aug. Mt Bike Action and was wondering if my yard would be big enough to build a pump track. It is 20″ by 60″… I could build the berms out of 2*4 and plywood (I’ve built halfpipes and bowls) My yard would be perfect for a ramp but as I’m 36 I just want something a bit tamer and more applicable. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Andy Small
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Questions: Pump track in New England

Hey Lee,
I read the article in MBA about pump tracks and I must saw, I am very interested. I have only built drops and single jumps in my backyard, and I am looking for your opinion. I have several potential problems:
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A sweet pump sesh at my house

Two developments:

1. The infield has been flag-stoned — Better Homes & Pump Tracks baby!

2. We had quite the crew — assorted beginners, sports, experts and pros; a former Czech national champion; and a current world champion.
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A very tough pump track in Winter Park, CO

This one has tight turns, lots of rollers and a major uphill. Mortals need not bother.
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Backyard pump track: Convince your parents

hey lee. i want to ask u about a pump track. i was thinking about building one in my back yard but i still have to convince the perental units. any advice?

– l’belle
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Pump track bike: Hardtail or suspension?


Do you recommend that pump track bikes should have front and back suspension?
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Pump track plans are in the works

Hey Lee,

This video is great!


We are putting in a pump track under a highway overpass to keep us out of the Texas sun. Have you drawn a blueprint of the course in the video? This art is evolving fast and we would like to leap frog a bit from the current Best Standard Practice. Shoulder standing is good. We have 40′ x 50′ marked, but could grow either dimension if needed to get to BSP.

Thanks again for the book and the site,

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