Freeride hardtail for my wife?
I was thinking of building a long travel hardtail up for my wife. As I am generally full of bad gift ideas, I thought your opinion might be helpful on this….
Some back story here…my wife never got into mt. biking until I got her a 6″ travel AM bike. Then suddenly she could relax over the rough stuff, start getting some speed, and then was able to develop some riding skills (with the help of the Mastering Mt. Bike Skills book of course). Unfortunately she has really bad asthma and had a very tough time on her bike (an earlier AM model) that was heavy and didn’t pedal well. Ultimately we sold that and got her a used DH bike which she loves ragging on at Highland’s every weekend.
She wants to get back into doing some more trail riding. I thought a “free-ride” hardtail would be a good idea for three reasons: 1) having learned on plush big travel bike she doesn’t really get line choice and smoothness. A hartail might help her learn this. 2) A hardtail would be lighter and more efficient than most (non-XC race oriented) bikes. That might help her with the asthma. 3) A long travel hard tail would be fairly slack and handle more like the DH bike that she is used to. It would also let her do some fairly gnarly stuff occasionally, while taking the “sting” out of hardtailing. 3a) long travel hard tails are rad.
Of course I could think of many reasons why this is a dumb idea…but I would love to know your thoughts. Thanks for your time-Jake.