All the sweet bikes and parts. Mmm … parts.

Which travel case for my bike?

Hi, Lee.
I’m looking at having to do some traveling around in the not too distant future and the thought of having to be without a bicycle kind of makes me itch. Do you have any recommendations for travel cases?
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Norcal Jan. ’07: Three days, two bikes and three rides

The past few days have been a nice mix of tra-la-la and WHOA BABY! Not to mention a barrage of job interviews and rides on a new Enduro SL and Demo 7. I have no images, but here are some words:
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Enduro SL: Worth the wait?

I am still waiting on an enduro sl. Specialized is pissing me off, they just will not give me a direct answere to when my bike is coming or what the hold up is. If they would just say it will be Feb. or March that would be fine, but it is always next month. I am very frustrated and wondering is the bike that great or should i just get a Heckler? You are the only person known to have one what is your oppinion?
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Maxxis tires: 2.35″ or 2.5″ rear?

I’m buying new tires for the summer and I have some Michelines right now. They’re good tires but I’m looking for something that rolls a little faster and can corner better. I’m looking at getting a 2.5″ Minion for the front and a 2.5″ High Roller for the rear. A guy at my local shop said to switch to a 2.35″ in the rear. I’ve always ran a 2.5″ in the rear but lightening up the rear sounds appealing. How would it affect my riding? I ride DH/FR.
Thanks for your help.
Dan the man
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Help, my crank is stuck

yeah i bought some deity cranks, and i put them on but needed to take them off because the spacing for the sprocket was wrong, and now those things wont budge at all. even with the crank puller that came with them. do u have any suggestions?
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Flat pedals on the big bike?

Hi Lee

I’m reluctant to give up the extra climbing power of clipless pedals for flats but it seems like all the freeriders use flat pedals so they can bail. What are you using on your freeride bike? I’m using crank brothers mallet pedals on my SX trail right now. If you ever get the time, I’m sure people would be interested in seeing how your bikes are speced out.

Thanks and happy new year

PS thanks to your book and advice I’ve slowly worked my up to 7 foot drops and improved my technique.
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Marzocchi 66 SL on an Enduro?

Just found your site, its very informative. I was wondering if you could answer the following question:

I am buying a large S Works Enduro (’06) with a DHX air and have a spare Marzocchi 66 SL. Will this fork be too much for the Enduro? (fork height & travel).


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Nomad vs. SX Trail?

Can you do a comparison between the Specialized SX Trail and the Santa Cruz Nomad??? I have gotten out of DH ( too many injuries), sold the DH rig and want an all-mountain that will still be solid. I don’t know how many epics I will do but I will be limiting my drops to only around head high. Inseam is short 29 inch, I am 5’6″ and built like a tree. so which bike do you oh guru of the bike suggest??? For right now I am living in the Midwest!!! Wow I never thought I would say that!!!! West coast transplant!
– John
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4X/DS bike for trail riding?

Hi Lee,

I’ve been looking at different four cross/slalom type bikes that can cross over and be used for general singletrack riding. Given your experience with Specialized, how do think the SX (4.2″ travel) would work out?


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6’4″ rider: DH bike sizing (and technique)

Dear Lee,

First let me start off by saying how sorry I am to hear about your recent family trouble. My heart goes out to you.

Now onto less pressing albeit still important issues. I’m in the market for a new frame and have been checking out the Transition Gran Mal. My issue comes from deciding what size frame to get, Gran Mal is offered in 2 sizes. The difference between the sizes are Short = 22.5 eff.Toptube/ 45.75 wheelbase or a Long = 24″ eff. toptube/47.25 wheelbase. I’m 6’4″ and currently ride a large 03 Big Hit, which feels somewhat unstable on straight choppy fast trails (ala: Reaper at Bootleg Canyon), but doesn’t seem to corner all that well on tight sweeper (probably my bad technique). Anyhow looking for some insight from someone with more knowledge than I’m able to muster.

BTW, I tend to ride Bootleg alot, race at Fontucky and ride alot of different SoCal areas (telonix, san juan, etc.) Thanks for your time and keep your head up, our prayers are with you.

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Lightening a Mighty Enduro?

Lee, I just picked up an ’06 enduro expert per your review. I love it, but I was wondering if you could help me with it. I do light DH but mostly hard/fast trail riding. What are the best ways to lighten this bike up? Should I go carbon DH components? Thanks for your help, your site and book have really helped me get into driving bikes!


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Shortening travel on FOX 36 VAN?

Hey there-

Just wondering if you know of a way to shorten the travel of a fox36 van rc2. I’m rolling it on an older 5-spot and the bottom bracket height feels a little high at 14 inches. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Pump track!

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