Questions, comments and criticisms

Random geometry questions

Hey Lee.
Do longer chainstays give more traction and shorter ones slide easier, or is it the other way around? What other things affect the rear wheel’s traction and sliding abilities? Also, does a steeper head angle give the front wheel more traction just because it puts the rider’s weight more over the front wheel, or would a slacker head angle sometimes give better traction?

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2003 Enduro suspension setup, Part Dos


Thanks again for the great response!!! (2006 or 2007 TALAS for 2003 Enduro?) Just one more ???, With the taller fork and the lower BB height, how will the bike ride/feel just riding more XC type of stuff?? will it result in slower steering?? should I flip the link to the higher BB height? or just dial the fork to 120mm???

Also the Psylo that came with the bike, I thought it was sold as a 5″ travel fork?? 1″=25.4mm x 5 = 127mm… Or was it really more of a 4-4.5″ fork?! 🙂

Thanks again!

Brian Froeber

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Reader mail: This made my day

I got a nice email today, the kind that validates the Mission (with a capital M).

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Spinning with flat pedals?

Hey Lee,
Looks like you had a great trip to Fruita and Grand Junction! I would like to know if you (well not you, normal human mountain bikers) can spin with platform pedals????

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2006 or 2007 TALAS for 2003 Enduro?


I am finally settling on buying a Fox Talas RLC fork for my 2003 5″ travel Enduro. Now the 2007 Fox Talas goes right from 120mm to 140mm but the 2006 max’s out at 130.

Should I do a mad hunt for a 2006 Talas and stick to 130mm of travel, or bump it to 140mm in front with a 2007 Talas??? Will this slack the head angle too much??



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Training for cross country and triathlon

Hi Lee!

I have a training question for you. Is it possible to train for triathlon and cross country mountain biking in the same season? I’m a beginner mountain biker, and am racing cross country this season. My main goals for cross country are to gain fitness and endurance during the season and maybe move from the bottom of the pack to somewhere in the middle. I also like to do triathlon (which I’ve done before), and am going to do a sprint distance in May and an Olympic distance in August.

Any suggestions on how to train for both or if it’s even possible? Each time I mention swimming, or bring out the running shoes my mountain biking boyfriend gets a pained look on his face.


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How to lay a flat table

Hey Lee,
I’ve been doing freeride type riding for years now, and am fairly competent at jumping. I hit 35′ gaps and launch doubles like it’s nothing, but I cannot table to save my life! I have your book, but something just doesn’t feel right. I’ve tried them on straight out gaps, hips and a lot more, but no matter what I do, it seems to want to either stay level and just turn the bars or flatten out but my body does too!

Is there something I’m missing?


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Which clip-in shoes and pedals for DH/AM?

hey lee,
quick question– i’m going to try to do clipless this year in time for sea otter and need to buy the setup. For shoes i am between the shimano DX, adidas hematoma, and specialized hybrid DH/AM shoe (forget what its called, around 200 bux). For pedals — mallet C’s, Times, or shimano DX. Any reccomendations as to what you have had good luck with? BTW I will be using them for DS/4X on a 07 yeti DJ and for DH on my demo, so all arounders would be great.
Thanks Lee,
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Arms in corners: pushing, pulling or what?

Hi Lee, great site and book.

Thanks to your tips my cornering has improved but I’m still not sure what to do with my arms, should they be relaxed, semi flexed or pulling upwards?

Thanks, Vito

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Entry-level MTBs: Trek vs. GT vs. Specialized

Hi Lee,
I read a previous post GT Avalanche vs. and Specialized Hardrock (Jan 2006). I had looked at both prior to reading it, and really liked the Hardrock, too. But I was also considering a Trek 3700. Any opinion on that bike compared to the Hardrock?

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Good street/dirt tires

Hey Lee. I’m currently running the Maxxis HolyRoller tires that came with my street hardtail, but I’d like the bike to be able to corner on dirt and in grass as well as on the pavement. What tires would you recommend? I’m looking for something lightweight, low tread and fast rolling, but still able to carve it up offroad, even if things get a bit slimy. I’ve been recommended things like Larsens, but I was just wondering what all the options are, and what your always genius recommendation would be.

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41-pound Demo 9 !!!???!!!

I’ve seen mention of your Demo 9 that was in the low 40’s. Can you post some pictures of it and the parts spec?
What did you think of it?

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