Moving day
Today we’re moving into a new place, and it’s gonna be sweet. Salient features:
1.5 acres. Oh yeah baby. I will build a mathematically perfect pump track, and — yes — little singletracks will wind through the trees. I hope to build a laboratory for practice, fun and teaching.
Pottery studio. My wife is a clay artist; how rad is that? I look forward to working on bikes while she’s throwing clay. Remember that scene in Ghost?
Plenty of room for everyone. I get an office. The Wife gets her studio. The kids get sweet rooms and their own huge play area.
For the next while I’ll be busy moving and finishing the BMX book, then I have to get shoulder surgery. When we break ground on the pump track, you’ll be the first to know.
![]() The possibilities are endless, as long as it looks like Better Homes and Pump Tracks. |
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