Racing vs. long trail ride?

Hey Lee
so spring break is coming up, signalling the end of winter’s deathgrip on the high sierra’s of lake tahoe and high schools around the globe. ive been presented with two great opportunities, one to ride the white rim trail, or to race in the Junior beginner/sport class at Sea Otter in superD and XC.

ive never done a formal mountain bike race before but im super stoked on the idea, and ive qualified for the Nordic Junior Olympics so ive got the base fitness needed to not die in the XC events. on the other hand, ive heard tyhe white rim is spectacular ride and im really interested in that. I’m torn Lee, in your opinion which one is better?

Hey Stefan, what a great question.

These are both excellent options, and I think you should do both at some points in your career. Thoughts for this spring:

– The White Rim Trail is open all the time.

– Sea Otter Classic is one weekend only.

– It sounds like you are very fit. That fitness will serve you well racing at Sea Otter. If you’re hyper-fit on a long tour with civilians, that can be annoying.

– The duration and intensity of XC and Super D seem like great training for your nordic skiing. A long cruise on White Rim might not be the best thing.

– Sea Otter is quite a spectacle — the courses, the spectating (DS!), the expo, the people. … If you’re going to check out a major race, this is a great choice.

– If I were you, I’d rock the Sea Otter.

– If I were me, I’d ride White Rim. I’ve been to plenty of races, including the Sea Otter 5+ times. I would pick the adventure.

The adventure will still be there when you’re old and slow. If you’re inclined to race, rip the Otter while you’re young and fast.

— Lee

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